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About Us

CommUnity of the Deaf, Inc, is the leading nonprofit organization advocating for the needs of deaf and hard of hearing citizens of Caribbean nationality and the Caribbean diaspora.

Where access to resources has been historically lacking, CUD strives to leave a lasting legacy of cultural change, leadership development, and social equity. Together, we can break through oppressive barriers that have previously compromised the path to success, while fighting for policies that preserve, protect, and advance the rights of deaf individuals across the globe.

As we work to challenge long-held beliefs and systemic oppression, we’ll replace historical misunderstandings with opportunities to educate others on the well-deserved rights of our deaf community. Compassionate understanding stands at the foundation of global unity, and we’ll develop powerful allies within the deaf community and hearing community as we build collaboration toward this exciting, empowering, and life-changing journey.

As we move forward, we will recognize the importance of diversity, and will see no color, no race, no status, no cultural barriers. We will learn for each other, and from each other. We will be proud of who we are and what we stand for, while creating a renewed image of positivity, capability, leadership, and unlimited achievement.


Our Core Values

At the central foundation of our organization, we are driven by a sense of purpose and community. Whether we are within our own familiar walls, or crossing global borders, we celebrate diversity, nurture collaboration, and promote innovation by bringing research and service together in exciting new ways that advance the future goals of our community.


Our Mission

The mission of CommUnity of the Deaf is to support and improve opportunities for leadership growth, personal development, and resiliency, as we promote self-confidence, social equity, and advocacy for human rights, disability rights, and civil rights. As we enhance global access to educational resources and job opportunities, we will also express the previously unheard voice of the deaf community to local decision makers, while helping members of our community gain a new perspective into life’s unlimited possibilities.

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